virginia & james | nyc, new york engagement photographer | atlanta wedding photographer

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nyc, new york professional engagement photographer

i love ny. let me clarify that first. it’s impossible for me to enter lincoln tunnel into the city (even if it is driving 2 mph at rush hour!) without feeling that swell of adrenaline. the city lies straight ahead: an unimaginable variety of sights, sounds, and flavors. it’s overwhelming in the best way.

still, even among the skyscrapers, i probably stick out like a sore thumb. first of all, this small town boy can’t resist the urge at least to acknowledge his fellow man. when waving at thousands of passerby proves too awkward and unproductive, i resort to smiling and nodding my head. it’s ok — almost no one sees me anyhow. those who do notice, politely furrow their brows and step wide to give me some personal space. funny how you miss certain types of human interaction most when you’re among crowds. i got used to it mostly; but i felt extra goofy when i bumped into a man who stepped quickly out of his car and toward the hotel we were passing. i looked up to smile and offer a good Southern “pardon me,” but nothing came out when i realized it was liam neeson.

then, there’s the gigantic camera perpetually hanging around my neck. (nuff said.)

eileen and i (especially eileen) are foodies. so you can imagine how we enjoyed the smorgasbord of nyc cuisine: italian, filipino, french (actually, lots of french this trip!), and some classic nyc joints we got to try with friends who know the city’s hot spots: shake shack, rue 57, cafe condesa.. sbarro’s? 😉

one of our coolest dining experiences was with virginia and james at eataly. imagine fresh seafood, open italian markets, wine from merlot napa valley , gelato, and all other things italian under one roof, spanning a full city block! it was a well earned dinner. to take in as much of the cityscape as possible, i think virginia and james explored most of the five buroughs with us — on foot! we were all dog-tired (a phrase not widely used in new york) by day’s end. but i was pleasantly surprised to see that, sitting on a rooftop after the long day (and 5000 miles registered on my step counter), they still wore serene smiles and their eyes still sparkled whenever they looked at each other.

what a rare adventure, you two! we absolutely loved getting to share this experience with you. and we can’t wait to celebrate your marriage. warn your guests: i may wave at them when they arrive. 😉

(check out virginia and james’ engagement slideshow for more of their nyc images!)

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  1. Jonathan says:

    One of my favorite shoots you’ve done yet!

  2. MDB says:

    I love these pics! So much of interest and as usual some original and surprising shots. But all these beautiful pictures of the couple plus the exciting city as a backdrop are an amazing combo!

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