Unique and Fun Engagement Photos at the UGA State Botanical Garden of Georgia, Athens GA | Lauren + Brandon

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Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,

View Lauren & Brandon’s video slideshow below. Order photos from their online photo gallery here.

On a gorgeous summer evening, Lauren and Brandon walked into a quiet courtyard at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. I hadn’t seen them since we first met to begin planning their wedding photography at our studio, so I was thrilled to see their excited smiles as they approached hand-in-hand for their engagement session. Lauren’s wonderful mother was close behind, lending her support and — thankfully — a hand to me as we set up creative lighting for these images and moved photography gear around the garden.

The energy throughout this whole evening felt like a great first date! I love watching how these two make each other laugh, defer to one another, and dream together about the future. They met through a great friend of Lauren’s. Brandon reached out to her to inquire about Lauren, which turned into a date soon after! They were instantly connected and interested in one another from the first date on. You really have to hear the hearts they have for each other in their own words:

“When I think of Brandon, I immediately smile from ear to ear! He has brought so much happiness, love, and laughter to my life and I look forward to the lifetime of happiness we’ll have together. He lights up the room every time he enters it, never short of making people laugh and smile. He has many qualities about him that are attractive and make me fall in love with him over and over! One of the many qualities I admire is he’s a man of faith, and I immediately fell in love with his ability to make me feel comfortable and secure, not just in his presence, but in our prayers that we say together over a meal or wherever it might be. I personally have prayed for someone like Brandon and I am forever grateful God put Brandon in my life. He is the love of my life and I can’t wait to start our life together!”


“When I think of Lauren I think of someone who is trying to make you laugh and smile. She is someone that people gravitate towards. Lauren has such an infectious personality. Our time spent together is full of so much laughter, you feel your abdomen hurting from laughing so hard. I am constantly reassured that she’s the person I’m going to spend forever with, and I thank God every day for her. (I love you Lauren!!)”

Congrats, Lauren and Brandon! Can’t wait to celebrate your wedding soon!! We know how excited you are to share your special day with all your family and friends  — and we can’t wait for everyone to be inspired by the love you two share!

Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,
Athens,Botanic Gardens of Georgia,Summer,UGA,botanical gardens,engagement,engagement session,portraits,




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