share your snow day images!

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i imagine that, by now, almost everyone has caught a glimpse of the record-breaking snowfall being dumped on us east coasters. of course, we georgians haven’t experienced anything like the arctic blast in the d.c. area. but in athens, where snow isn’t necessarily a yearly occurrence, we’re excited about what little we get. when four inches began to fall friday, schools and stores closed early so folks could get home before the roads turned icy. sounds like an overreaction, i know. but, believe me, you don’t want to be on a slippery road with a georgia driver. that’s almost as risky as ice skating with a drunk hippopotamus.

the next morning, i was up early to photograph what i could of the virgin snowfall before excited neighborhood kids and university students raced out to dig in for snowball warfare, reshaping the landscape into a sloppy battlefield of maimed snowmen soldiers. i wasn’t the only early riser, though. i was proud to see how many shutterbugs were on the uga campus, taking advantage of the weather to find a new perspective on our old town.

here are a few of my efforts. anybody else out there have images from the recent east coast snow storms? or from wherever you are? we’d love to see them. post ’em online and put your link to them in the comments below. can’t wait to see what you got!






All images © 2010 Blume Photography. It’s unlawful to copy or reproduce our work in any form without our express written permission. It just ain’t right! Thanks for respecting us and our art. If in doubt about federal copyright law, please ask us. We’re happy to answer your questions.

  1. Malia says:

    Your photos are far superior to mine, but here is one from the last big February snow:

    and the first blizzard in December:

    in each photo it’s still snowing, hence the dreary gray. Both times we got snow for over 48 hours straight.

  2. Mila says:

    beautiful pictures!!!

  3. Elizabeth Coe says:

    Great PIctures!!!! I LOVEEEEE the first one. 🙂

    You have such a gift!

  4. phillipblume says:

    thanks, y’all! 🙂

    amazing! i especially like the last one of the car under — how many feet of snow is that!? makes it look like one of those top-heavy european trucks.

  5. Malia says:

    about 2′ of snow that time. Johnathan dug down to the hood so you can see how much is piled on.

  6. Elizabeth Sibal says:

    these are amazing!

  7. Jared says:

    As always these photos are amazing. Keep up the great work!

  8. Eric says:

    That one is of a friend during the second big snowfall of the year for DC.

    I love your work 🙂

  9. Eric says:

    Hmm, guess that last didn’t work. Let’s see if this one does.

  10. Ok, 3rd times a charm.

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