doors of antigua, guatemala

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at first blush, antigua is a simple grid of cobblestone streets and colorful walls. when clouds hide the volcanoes that loom above the rooflines, it becomes easy to mistake north for south among the endless, crisscrossing rows of painted plaster. we certainly got turned around more than once while location-scouting for the hardeman family’s shoot. it all starts to blend together. the city’s true nature — regal courtyards, gardens in full bloom, flowing fountains, five star hotels, sprawling monasteries, cozy cafes, as well as hospitals, machinery shops, convenient stores, and private residences — are found beyond the portals. learn them, and they become familiar faces to greet you on your way to.. another door.

puertas de Antigua, Guatemala

  1. Christopher Fitzgerald says:

    Love this. I feel like I’m back in Antigua, looking for Jonathan haha…

  2. katie says:

    are these antigua door prints available for purchase?
    if so, please provide pricing info.

  3. Haydee Gomez says:

    beautiful, absolutely takes me back, ealking thru town…

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