October 5, 2009

this is your brain. and these are your brains on our feature article in this month’s Southern Distinction magazine. we’re sooo excited to announce the publication of some of our recent travel photography from england — and the accompanying article, “the city of dreaming spires,” by yours truly. our first official publication as blume photography. apparently, […]

March 17, 2009

“that almost looks like snow,” i remarked as i got up from my seat at loco’s deli sunday afternoon. famous last words. if you live anywhere near athens, you know the end of this story. the last time i saw snow like this in georgia, i was knee-high to a grasshopper. it was the great […]

February 2, 2009

bonjour! and merci for checking in on us. now, before i go into the delicious details about our voyage (and before i use up all my french vocab), let me bring you up to speed with a couple updates: first, my wife and lovely assistant (who are the same person) and i have noticed quite […]

January 14, 2009

welcome back, everyone! to those of you who haven’t checked in on us for a while, i’m afraid little has changed on this page during the last month, although that same month for us has been infused with more change than a modern presidential campaign. after trimming our first christmas tree, meeting a new nephew […]